Find out about the things you see from the train window
Click the button on the map to find your current location and start tracking your journey. Click this button USE GPS if your location is not updating smoothly. For more information, clickHELP
By default, the map uses the locations of mobile phone masts from which your device is receiving signals to calculate your location. In urban areas with many phone masts, this can be quite accurate, but is less so in the countryside.
If the map is not tracking your location smoothly, click the button to start using GPS with more frequent updates. Note that this will use more power and so will deplete your battery more quickly.
At the end of your journey, the GPS location activity on your device will not stop just because you are no longer looking at this website. To stop the web page from calling for updates, click/tap 'Stop GPS'. However, this may not stop your device's GPS location activity (for example, other apps may have begun to use GPS co-ordinates) and it may be necessary to turn your device off and on again to stop it completely.
Due to a problem outside the author's control, if you stop GPS and want to re-start it, you will first need to re-load the page (circular re-load arrow or go back to the route list and re-select this route)